A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?

I have the audiophile disease. I just can not be satisfied. By upgrading from my Bryston 4B ST to a Pass labs X250 really worth the bother? My equipment is as follows Audio Research Reference 1 Pre-amp, Proac Response 3.8 Speakers Classe CDP.3 Player. My wife just does not get the thrill of this hobby. I need to find the true answer, What will the difference be besides in my wallet?
Dump the preamp. Run the CDP directly into the Pass. Keep the better half....
As others have mentioned your upgrade path should begin with your source. I would suggest the Cary 303/200. It replaced a Classe DAC1/CDT1/Digital Lens digital rig and, IMHO, is a better source. I think that you will find, as I have, that many people do not understand your obsessive audio ways. My friends would find me impossible to deal with if they had to be with me night and day. Luckily, my wife and kids love and tolerate me. Well, most of the time anyway. Find comfort in our company and treat your family better than your favorite components.
If you buy her some new designer jeans or new fancy food processor meaining "wife tax" you could even get X350 more is never enough!!!!!!
The fact your even posting such a thread means your considering this. Divorse the wife factor, keep the tunes.No matter how tuff it gets dont sell your MUSIC.
The music is where we go for relaxing, how much do you go to your wife for relaxing.
Pass is not worth a divorse, but tube amps are.
The wife will be warmer than the Pass, hopefully, but the almost any amp is worth a divorce...if she cannot let you have YOUR amp...then you will be miserable to live with...and there's no music to compensate for that.