A search for great cables for electrostatics

Since it is so difficult to lesson to the various cables available to us or not because only a few cables are sold by our local retailers. This forum grants all of us a chance to benifit from the experiences of others. So those who have found cables and interconnects to their liking please share your experiences.
Bradz, I have not really experimented very much with the Innersound amp, (I have the Esl monos ) because I was very happy with them right out of the box with Sanders' speaker cables AND his balanced ICs. I can assure you, that in that combination, they sound well balanced, coherent and in no way rough or grainy on the Quad 63s. Sanders advised me very strongly not to use an aftermarket pc. So far I have seen no reason to do so, even though contrary to his opinion, I've seen that they often DO make a difference. So Bradz, yes , for me the Innersound wires have done the trick to tame that beast. Cheers,
Tekunda , apologies, I must have been out of my mind! The Prodigy is a stator and a very good one at that. Please forgive. Detlof
Detlof, no offence taken, I am also aware that I am dancing here in on a thin rope, since I sell HMS cables now, but came to know HMS cables before I was a dealer. I fully understand that this is not a forum for dealers to push their cables, but on the other hand I did not come to sell HMS cables because I was looking for another business since I needed money. I came to know HMS because I did an extensive shout-out of many top cables and wanted to find a cable with similar performance as the Valhalla for less money and when I found it in HMS, I was quite excited. So on one side I want to tell people to give these cables a chance, since I believe that they will not be disappointed, on the other hand I know that it looks now I am just in it for the money.
All I can say is that I had the funds to buy Valhalla, or even Siltech G5 cables and knew that I could not do with less performance in my system, after I had auditioned the Valhalla. It is tough to go back once you heard such a superb cable. And had I not found the HMS with similar performance, but for far less money, I would be the proud owner of Valhalla cables today. Although I admit I make money selling the HMS cables (but never forget that I invest many hours of my life to run this little business also) I am also driven by the fact that I want to spread the “good news” to the audiophile community, that with the HMS there is finally alternative on the market, for the regular income audiophile, to come closer to one of the best cables in the world.
But of course I am completely aware that this may sound a bit hypocritical and many people will accuse me that all I care is the profit. Well, I tried to explain the real motives behind me selling HMS and all I can say is that the proof is in the pudding. I have a no risk audition program, so anybody can put the HMS cables to the test and see if my claims are true or not.
I'm very happy with Silver Lace interconnects and speaker cable for my Acoustat 1+1's. Very open, clean and clear, no grain, and not bright as some claim with pure silver cables. Great prices, too!
Try the Stage 3 concepts silver wire with electrostats, I think you will be more than impressed.

Good Luck,