A voltage driven conundrum

I'm moving to New York for 6 months or so and then expect to move back to London for a few years and then back again to NY(a very mobile job). I had the idea of putting together a good system that I could then potentially take back to London. I initially thought of buying a Peachtree nova, a Wadia transport and Harbeth speakers but realised that the Peachtree could not do the Harbeth justice. I'm now thus in the market for a good power amp (or an integrated)- the only catch is that it should be dual voltage (or easily converted). I like the sound of Arcam but then I really havent heard that much else. Are there other amplifiers that would meet the dual voltage requirement ? I plan to use a Wadia transport and a benchmark pre with the Harbeth's. I have a medium sized lving room and mostly listen to jazz and classical music at low-medium levels. And oh .. I wanted to spend a total of USD 6-8000 on the entire system. Thanks in advance for your help !
Thanks Kijanki & Edwyun. Any ideas of how an Arcam P38 or a Creek Destiny might fit into a benchmark & Harbeth system ?