A vote for the little guy suppliers

Over the years, either by desire or luck, I've managed to gravitate to small volume gear suppliers, most of whom have extensive engineering degrees and operate without advertising or retail entanglements.

I think I have found (with much help from forums like this) the pieces I will be retiring with and I couldn't be happier or more content with my system.  Other than one final turntable change which I promised myself at retirement, I'm done.  

My speakers, phono stage, cartridge SUT, preamp, amp, and cables are all from individual designers, all made in the USA.  I have either met in person or have had multiple phone and email encounters with all of them.  I really like this approach and I'm convinced that great equipment at reasonable pricing can be had this way.  I've had to endure longer wait periods after ordering due to each of them not having factories behind them to mass-produce the gear.  None of them inventory product and most of the gear is really a custom order.  

Only my current TT/cartridge and SACD/CD player are from well known large firms.   

Anyone else like having relationships with their suppliers?  In case anyone is curious:

     Speakers      - JansZen Valentina/zA2.1 hybrid ESL

     Phono stage - custom build by Don Sachs

     SUT              - Bob Devices SKY 20

     Preamp         - Linear Tube Audio MZ2-S

     Amp              - Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40

     Cables          - Cerious Technologies Graphine Extreme speaker, power, and interconnects

My sources are both Marantz units.  The new TT will likely be Technics 1200G.  Current primary cart is a Lyra Delos

Deja Vu Audio one of the best retail stores in the country and designers of fantastic tubed gear. I am fortunate to live near the original Mclean store and to me Vu has the best ears in the business. Running a preamp and amp from their former designer going on 10 years now for both pieces. Could not recommend them highly enough to anyone that loves tubes and analog.
You can add Jeff Roland of Audio Philosophy in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where I lived for many years, although I didn't know Jeff. 225-936-5600, info@audphi.com, http://audphi.com. Super nice guy and very knowledgeable. I was going around and around trying to put together an inexpensive office stereo, and he solved my office stereo problem in two words. KEFX300A demo. Love the speakers (and Jeff, of course). I'm also talking to him about a Moon ACE. Check him out. Tell him Paul in Las Vegas sent you. :-)
I agree. My best discoveries are those one person dealers selling hand made gear from one person manufacturers. In my case, I'm not expecting a price deal because of this. But, I have gotten my best sound, support, service, and warranties are not even discussed or relevant. Any equipment issues simply get taken care of, because there's a sense of personal responsibility to make it right.

There is also how my dealer scrutinizes the gear he sells for system matching. No more apples and oranges or guesswork. No more stumbling around. After I found "my sound," my dealer only made upgrade recommendations when I asked. Every recommendation a winner. No more left to say.

Douglas Connection!  Doug is a great guy and customer service second to none.  Check them out for some excellent connectors, wire, cables and accessories. 


That is exactly how I feel about the Mc cutomer support, same with dealing with Jolida, I know there brand is lower end, but that’s what I started with. Without the support I received from them even with second hand gear, I prob wouldnt be the tube head I am today, I can always get Bob on the phone pretty much any time before 10pm when I have questions or issues with my Carver tube gear. He’s a great guy as well, always seems to have the right answers reguardless of brand I know he will help if he can. If he can’t he knows who can.