about to jump into the power cord foray

I am about to jump into the power cord foray. Since I’ve upgraded my IC’s and speaker cables most recently, I think the next step should be to look towards replacing the stock power cords. My system is as follows:

Dynaudio 52SE bookshelves
McIntosh MC2105 power
Audio Research LS-7 pre
Adcom GCD-600 cd changer
Lite Audio DAC 60 dac
Rotel RT-1080 tuner
Audioquest Diamondback & Kimber Hero IC’s
Kimber 8TC cables

I intend on putting IEC sockets on the A/R, McIntosh, and Adcom in the next week. If I could find a high quality changer, I’d probably dump the Adcom but I haven’t seen anything that’s really in my price range. Since I don’t have a new power or pre amp in the budget for the next 2 years, I plan on adding IEC sockets to the aforementioned devices. Will I notice any sort of improvement in sound quality, by going with Signal or Element cables with my current equipment? If not, should I look at a cable in the $100-150 range like the Virtual Dynamics Power 3 or VH Audio Flavor? I’m also open to any used cables on the site in the sub $150 dollar range
Blindjim, that was eloquently stated and your patience factor for trying to explain this segment of our beloved hobby of ours to people locked into their narrow roads of "safe numbers" is very admirable but I'm not optimistic anyone will likely be reformed on these threads.... although years ago I was so intrigued by all the talk about powercords and what they could do, I had to give it a try. Formerly I was adamant in my mind that there was no way they could make any difference. Today I am so grateful for the immense rewards power cable swapping and matching have done to custom tailor and DRAMATICALLY improve my system that anyone who says it can't make a difference is simply wrong. It does make a difference. Different brands do, different sizes do, different materials do, even different male and female plugs do.... Iggyminn: I would start with Signal Cables MagicPower power cord on receiver/pre-amp and/or power amp and a Magicpower Digital reference on your CD. These are all excellent values and amazingly better than stock cords. You have a 30 day trial with all of them (and you should give them a good 50+ hrs of break in)but there is absolutely no way you will not hear a significant improvement over what you have. Period. From there you might want to work up to the VH Audio Flavors and there's much more after that as your system and its resolving power evolve. In trying to stay as PC and inoffensive as possible I will finish simply by saying "If you consider yourself an audio enthusiast and own a reasonably credible system and can't hear an improvement between typical stock power cables and a decent (or better) aftermarket replacement, you should probably take all the $$$ your saving on not buying them and consider expanding your interests down a road that fits your "safe numbers" a bit better. What about croquet?" Happy Lissn'n
Thanks much.

I'm not trying to convert... just open eyes or perhaps, remove some blinders.

I wouldn't think anyonw should take at face value, any opinion here as the exact truth or last word, anytime on anything. I would think however the dedicated ones will ascertain for themselves their own truths.

opinions here are but likely options, and occassionally, answers.

An open mind to the in's & outs of audio system building definitely reveals it's own truth for the possessor of such a perspective. However, to each their own...

Thanks for the tip on Signal Cables. I'll definately keep them in mind. I ended up placing an order for a Virtual Dynamics Power 3 yesterday on their 45 day trial. We'll see how it goes.


"How’d you pick your significant other? Did they mind the inspection and measurements taking process?"\

The image this sentence conjures will keep me laughing for a month. It probably helps me that my wife is 3 days overdue to give birth.

What a great line. Thanks for the entertainment! :-)


Life... and audio... ain't always just a numbers game, IMO.

Except during a divorce.