Absolute Best DVD Player?

What is the best DVD player (Up to $4000 retail) for best sound, video, and build quality? Thank you. Rick
My pleasure Charles. My Pioneer DV-37 is sweet, if not the absolute best on the planet, (killer cd playback) ,w/progressive scan. Should outgun the DV-09.
NoMoney, GeeVee, I think we should clarify something. The Pioneer DV-37 is arguably in the top 2 or 3 when
it comes to video quality. It outperforms the "legendary" DV-09, and it takes a high definition projector to possibly see any difference between the DV-37 and the Sony 9000ES, and even then the difference is minimal. Some people prefer the color accuracy of the Pioneer when compared to Sony. So, the Pioneer DV-37 can be considered "top rated" and certainly far from second rate. That this is available at $500 less than the Sony is important, and the CD playback is a knockout that can compete with any new, under $1500 CD player I have heard.
O.K. the video may be around the same quality. I haven't compared the c.d. playback between the two, but I don't see a bunch of folks raving about the cd playback of the dv-37 all the time. But lets assume the cd playback is the same, you get the SACD for the other 500 bucks.
No one here is mentioning the modifified players from Dan Wright or Stan Warren, why? I was under the impression that they were great.
NoMoney, you make a good point as usual, I have considered switching to the 9000ES myself for the SACD playback, but was simply pointing out that the $500 difference can be an important factor to many people. As far as the CD playback is concerned, I have had more than my share of Sony CD players over the years and can say with some authority that I am very familiar with their sound. My Sony DVP-7700 was a good machine, but it was no contest against the DV-37 in cd audio quality as well as video quality. Also raves can be deceiving, I remember the raves that the Panasonic A310 got for its audio quality... I have owned two of them, and while I can say it was a smooth and decent CD player, it was far from what I consider great,
(very dull & boring). I trust only a few reviewers and the recomendations of a few of the proven regulars here including NoMoney and Treed. Thanks for your continued contributions here.