Acarian Systems Black Orpheus Speaker Cable

Has anyone ever heard of / tried this cable before? What did you think of it?
Used them on Alon IV speakers. I thought for the money they were very good. Tried other wires and found that improvements did not justify additional cost.
Only draw back is I thought the highs were slightly zippy. However that could have been the tweeter natural tendency. Give it a try. Good luck.
Using them tri-wired with Alon V Mk II+ and I doubt I would better them anywhere near the price. They were substantially better than AQ Type 4+ and DH Labs T-14/Q-10 in a tri-wire set up. BTW, the DH Labs were pretty good wires for the price. I like the tonal balance and flow, and I do not have the "zippy highs" problem posted above. Good luck.
I use them on Alon Lotus SE's and find them to be excellent. I also don't have a problem with zippy highs. If you need a tri-wire cable these are a no-brainer. A comparable tri-wire from a "cable manufacturer" would be dramatically more expensive.