Accuphase DG38 vs. Tact vs Lyngdorf

Has anyone tried to compare these room correction products? I currently use Tact 2.2X and thought about upgrading to 2.2XP, or the new Lyngdorf Room Perfect. However, I also saw some really positive comments about Accuphase and I really like them as a manufacturer. Appreciate if anyone can share their experience.

I didn't compare them but they do have different targets. Tact wants a flat response at the listening position. Lyngdorf wants your speakers response (without accoustic influences) at the listening position.
I don't know how the tact system works but I do own a Lyngdorf TDA2200. This measures in your listening position as wel as random spots in the room.
Dears, I personnaly own a DG38, choosen after extensive comparaisons. I was interested initially in the DG28, but equalization was limited to the lower end of the audio bandwith. I used it between the outputs of the pre-amplifier, and the entries of a 5 ways active filter using symétric connexions.

Analysis is fast, and the compensation obtained very good, nearly ideal after a re-adjustement of the levels on the filter ( Own buid following Kanéda basic circuitry.

There is also a plus, as if entries are sampled at 96 KHz, outputs are sampled at 192 KHz, And digital signals re-sampled are much better, specially from my Teac VDRS-25.
Only négative: no way to connect a PC for results printing.. And no ways to get informations from Accuphase allowing to write the proper software to do so. A pitty
Jean Kersten
I own the DG-38 and while it is truly a fine piece of engineering, its approach to achive a linear flat response at the listening position may be flawed. Even in an accoustically 'dead' listening room, speakers will not show a flat curve. There are technical limitations but more importantly, certain deviations will give the speaker its characteristic sound profile. You take that away and your speaker will sound boring. I am now struggling to make the DG-38 reproduce the original curve of my speakers but there is virtually no support for that anywhere. I am using B&W N800's. Cheers, Andreas
pvanmil, I am totally confused by your statement "Tact wants a flat response at the listening position".

Of all the TacT supplied target curves, none of them are flat. In addition, the user can create their own target curves. There is virtually unlimited storage of these target curves on the computer and 9 can be loaded onto presets on the preamp. That is with the older versions of TacT. The newer versions may allow additional storage on the preamp. I am not sure. I am an old timer.