Accuphase E-460 vs Luxman 509u vs Moon 700i

Did anyone had opportunity to compare these three Integrated
Amplifiers. The Accuphase is more noble one but does it sounds
better then Simaudio or Luxman.
Honestly, I am still looking for an Integrated Amplifier
for my Carbon 7 speakers. I've tried with the Simaudio i3.3.
Sound was sterile. NAD M3 - Good bass but no highs.
In New York no chance to audition Bryston or Accuphase. By
the way price for Accuphase E-460 (13.5K)is comical.
I'm listening mostly smooth jazz and highs are my priority.
I know that it's not just amplifier important, also the
cables. Some people recommend Modwright KWI-200. I am trying
to stay away from tubes.
And of course you want a great midrange. And some bass, your speakers can go quite low for monitors.
I have never heard your speakers so I will just list other brands you might want to consider.
Rowland, Pass, Gryphon ( no dealers in the US ) and Redgum.
I have Redgum integrated and like it a lot. I also like better Purist Audio cables.
Kiza, do you have to buy an integrated? If you're open to a pre/power combination, based on your stated budget and preferences, i'd recommend the McCormack DNA-250 power amp & LD-2 preamp. RRP for the DNA-250 is $3995 & $2495 for the LD-2. The current line of McCormack amps are designed and built by Conrad Johnson & in my view are some of the best value high end amps anywhere. They have prodigious power, warm sound & airy extended highs, and according to one of my friends they are musical sounding also. Here is a link to their site fyi -
LFD integrated MkIV. It is excellent. No frills but terrific sound.

If I recall, Sound by Singer, an audio dealer based in New York carries LFD.