Acoustat Panels

I am a speaker builder and have inherited some ACOUSTAT 2 + 2 ELECTROSTATIC speakers. They have the Medallion mod (all Mylar or polypropylene caps). They have a dying transformer and I want to repair or sell these for parts. It frustrates me cause I heard one (the left one) and they were pretty darn good! Looking for solutions. PS If I can help on speakers, I would be glad to, I build mostly high-end stuff. Thanks
some transformers are still available thru rockford corp.602-967-3565 if they cant help you I would be interested in purchasing them from you
Howdy, I have had three interfaces rebuilt at Rockford Corporation, they charge around 150.00, a good deal. I have a spectra 1100 interface I would consider selling, but not sure if the transformers are alike. I would also like to buy some spare panels to build a center channel speaker if you would care to sell me one or two, I also have some trading stuff. Thanx Mike
whats this crap form audiolist---------it doesnt belong here or anywhere else that its not been solicited. i hope the webmaster will remove it and have him cease and desist.
Acoustat Panels
I own a pair of 1+1 Acoustat since 1987 and gave me v.good service till 2004.I live in India and tried quite a few electronic repair shops for help – no result. Having no knowledge in electronics I studied all parts of the interface + Biassupply carefully.
During my research I discovered a German Company who is themselves manufacturers of electrostats.The owner asked me to check the part with am Ohmmeter he had suggested – Bingo – he then send me 2 High Voltage Bias Supplies with plug in power source.
While waiting for the parts to arrive – I changed all of the Caps + Resistors mounted them on a new motherboard - to the very moment I am enjoying my Acoustats rendering more details/stage/harmonics than ever before.
If any one needs tips on refurbishing – drop me a line.