Addiction to Brand

Many of smokers get addicted to certain brand and would never switch to any other sigarettes.
I have the same story with Aerial speakers and Lyra cartridges.
I can only upgrade to better Aerial speaker and better Lyra cartridge.
Anybody else has this kind of addiction?
Unfortunately the brand I am hooked on, Meadowlark Audio, is long out of business. Have owned 6 pairs of Meadowlarks and most recently got a good deal on a pair of Shearwater Hot Rods. I had a pair a few years ago but sold them when we moved. Loving them again, even more now that I have a room that accommodates them.

Apart from your dislike, what is the commnon denominator for the brands on your last list, please?
Some of the makes I swear by have already been lovingly mentioned, but these haven't:
Apogee Digital
Well Tempered Labs
Marantz. Brought my first unit pre amp fifty years ago. Nothing can shake my Marantz addiction. Well, maybe Cayin, my latest addiction. But I still have many Marantz units, mostly the Estoric series.
The common denomenator is my personal preferences.
Be it by advertising, appearances, sound, vibes, past experiences, breakdowns, using for many years, never hearing or seeing just feeling 'cool' or 'yuck', loving the sound, hating the sound,

endless variety of reasons.
Looking for a common denominator: only one: my preference.