Tls, thanks very much. I always enjoy reading your posts as well, which have struck me as knowledgeable, helpful, and well intended.
As you probably realize, the 47K figure you found in the manual would be a recommended load impedance, rather than an output impedance (or an input impedance, since the JD100a has no inputs), although it may have been described as an output impedance due to loose translation or whatever.
In any event, both the 47K and 100K figures are significantly higher than the 33K input impedance of the Classe preamp. So as Bob said just above it seems pretty clear that a significant impedance incompatibility is present, which is most likely a significant contributor to the problem.
Pkrbkr999, just saw your last post. I would keep in mind the possibility that multiple problems may be present, with the effects of the impedance incompatibility being masked by a different problem.
Also, while I'm not certain what you mean by having to "push" the Tylers to get the low end, keep in mind that the sensitivity of our hearing mechanisms to deep bass frequencies, relative to their sensitivity to mid-range frequencies, decreases as volume levels are decreased. The
Fletcher-Munson Effect.
05-27-13: Tls49
My comments were merely to get him thinking about his system and the synergy, rather than just throwing subwoofers at it.
Excellent point, well said.
Best regards,
-- Al