Advice going from SS to tubes?

Hi all, I'm considering going from SS to tubes. For me, this means changing speakers (currently Usher 6381) to more efficient designs, and of course buying a quality tube amp(s). I have a Shindo Auriges L preamp that I like very much, so I'll hold onto that for now and see if I can work it into the new system.

My musical tastes are rock, acoustic male/female, blues and soul. I need a set up that is dynamic with good bass. So I think I'm leaning toward floor standing speakers (the Auriges does not have a sub out, and I don't have a very musical sub anyway).

My general question is, what things should I think about when making the switch? I'm aware of some of the maintenance issues with tube amps, I want a good one, but would rather have fewer tubes as opposed to many.

The other question relates to specifics: any speaker recommendations? amp recommendations?... speaker/amp/preamp combinations?...

If there are other threads on this subject pls link provide links. Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
I concur with Stanwal. I did what you're thinking of doing. I decided to go with efficient 2 way monitors and a powered sub. It's taken me about two years to get the sound that I'm now very happy with. I had to re-cable, re-power condition, and re-tweak every component. Of course, that's the fun of the hobby. But, it was time and expense that I didn't anticipate. Fortunately, the system now sounds wonderful - especially for vocals and blues.

If bass slam is important to you, do some extra homework. That's where tubes have their notorious weakness. With that said, I've heard the 20w Mahi Mahi's (in triode) kick butt with Kharma speakers. The bass just pounded away.
>>If bass slam is important to you, do some extra homework. That's where tubes have their notorious weakness.<<

Bad information.

Tube amps are not bass weak; that is an old wives' tale perpetuated by the unknowing.

It is imperative, however, that a speaker be matched properly with a corresponding amplifier so both components are optimized.

It's that simple.
Something to think about if you plan on moving to very efficient speakers. Noise floors of components become far more obvious, especially in tubed pre-amps and their tubes. As does the matching of pre-amp's gain and the amp's input sensitivity. Very efficient speakers combined with high gain pre-amps (DAC's/Phono Stages/amps) often challenge the effective range of a pre-amp's attenuator. fwiw.
Thanks Newbee. If I were to make the switch, I would do so at a holistic level, pairing speakers with amp/preamp known to work well together.