Advice on bulk record pricing?

I've got more records than I want to keep, and I'm coming off a major surgery and could use some cash.

I don't want to turn pricing/selling records into a full-time job, but I also don't want to sell $20 records for $5. I know I'll have to grade them, but I'd rather not spend a ton of time researching pricing in addition to the time it'll take to do the grading.

So, what's the easiest effective to way to get real-world pricing on records? Something faster than going to ebay and looking at the last 10 sales.

I guess it would depend on the genre's of music. I've seen bulk record listings for pristine classical music records go for a buck a piece to up to $3 a piece. Like Marakanetz said donating these records to the Salvation Army or Goodwill could get you a better savings on your tax bill. I realize that doesn't give you money now but it could next year.

Maybe for pricing try I get their catalog periodically and they have all sorts of genre's of music on vinyl.
Classical is only worth a buck a title, maybe $2. And that is only if in really good condition. The only Classical Lps worth more in general, are Mercury 90000 Some Stereo RCA Shaded Dogs, Glenn Gould.. and really obscure stuff no one ever heard of.
Any 'easy listening' Classical are just junk fodder.
Any pop easy listening is junk store fodder.. (though hot babe cover art can get $$)

Jazz LPs can vary greatly. from a few bucks to hundreds for early Blue Note.
So you would have to know what you have.
Rock is also all over the place. with early stuff needing to be in really great shape to be worth much. Though the real 'classic' stuff is in big demand.. Beatles, Cream, Doors, Dylan
R&B can be worthless or worth a lot even in only fair condition. ((i bought one for twenty cents, sold it to my dealer for $20 who was very enthusiastic to have it.. and who knows what he sold it for.. It was listed as mint $200. and this one was scratched up pretty good..))

The only way to not just sell them for a tenth of thier value is to either find a golden hearted dealer who will pay you a fair percentage .. 50% of value, or YOU sell them individually at auction.
Record pricing guides are out of date, and often have insanely high prices from 30 years ago,maybe?. (Belafonte Carnagie Hall is listed at $100, and can be found ANYWHERE for $3.. so you get my drift...)
Anyway,the real answer is NO. there is no easy way.

I am lucky lucky I have two dealers who buy my unwanted stuff for decent prices. The others in town offer pennies an LP even though they will turn it around and sell it for $50..
(i just sold 50 ordinary DVD movies for $140 cash,or $170 credit.. to one of them.. WOW considering most places offer ten cent per DVD ...) So I guess it is who you know..
I know the owner of my local record store goes to people's houses to evaluate their collections. You could try that route if you have a used record store in town. If you don't like what he's offering, you'd at least have a ballpark how much the records would be priced at on the market by adding the profit margin.
Take actusreus suggestion. In the metro NYC area there are a few dealers that will show up and give a bulk price. Often that is no more then $1 a record. These dealers randomly pick about five records, look at jacket and surface condition and give a price. They pickup, pay cash and leave you feeling 'empty', which is a good thing. An alternate is to hire a senior high school kid who will put them on ebay. A fair arrangement would pay s/he $15 per hour and give them 40% of the net sales price after all fees and shipping is deducted. With all the latter effort, you may get an average of $1.50 a record. Must go now, the GoodWill store is calling to arrange another pickup of my 'stuff'.
Sorry to hear your medical problems force this on you but you are in the classic quandary of the person who is asked if they want their purchase to be made well, cheaply, or quickly? You know, they can pick any two of those but not all three. I suspect there is no quick or cheap answer for pricing LPs which is why we see such volatility in the market. Those who want to shift stuff in bulk fast, price accordingly and sell those $20 items for a lot less. To get the $20 bucks, or whatever your desired price is, sellers need to give buyers info and assurances, putting in all the effort required to satisfy the small market for such goods at top price (you know, grading, photos, individual shipping etc.) or find someone locally who knows and wants these items. Frankly, I wonder sometimes how folks on ebay have the patience to sell and ship some LPs that go for $5 unless it IS their full-time job!

That said, a practical technique might be to cluster your collection into very broad categories: " rare", "not so rare but desirable", and "garden-variety" based on your own intuitions and experience. Cherry pick a few of the items from each and get a feel for their price on Discogs or Ebay. Then consider that a mean price for each category and price the lot accordingly. As you suspect, anyone interested in buying the lot will drive the unit price down. Despite all the love many here have for old LPs, most people do not share it and hauling a collection around is a far from attractive proposition. Even priced fairly, there's a bit more involved in making a sale happen for this type of item than just saying "come and get 'em". As others note, the typical price you get for a record collection is usually far less than most audiophiles think it is worth.