Advice on selecting a tube amp

Sold all of the Sunfire and Martin Logan system when we retired and moved from a huge condo to a 46' sailboat. I'm missing the music.
I am an audio analyst by trade and tend to pick my music apart.

I've got about $1500 to spend and a pair of Sunfire CRM2s. They are small enough for the boat and love the ribbon's imaging capabilities. 90Db sensitivity and 8 ohms.

I'm not physically able to do the modding and such, so I am looking for reliability. Researching the Music Angel turned daunting when I read about the amount of work some of the guys needed to make them perform. Hands shake a bit too much.

I don't listen to loud music much anymore, except a little Pink Floyd. Mostly instrumental Jazz and some Hawaiian slack key.
I want to make the move to tubes and prefer to buy one which I will keep. I'm in over my head, but I like it like that.

I need and really appreciate any suggestions you guys would share.
Note that some amps will recreate Gabby Pahinui well but seem somewhat reticent when playing Beamer Brothers.
Wolf, I wonder why that is? Current loads? frequency distribution?
I usually put it down to the recording. Some always sound good and some not much.

Like thos guys but as long as Hapa sounds great! Oh and Pink Floyd and Yo-Yo Ma
I have Quicksilver midmonos paired with the Sunfire CRM2s and am very happy with this combo.I like to listen loud,unlike yourself so the midmonos might be overkill,the minis would probably work well for you.The Sunfires are easy to drive,never dipping below 4ohms.Best of luck as you search!
First figure out what tube you like by auditioning different amps, el34, kt-88s etc. then you have to find one that matches the impedance of you source. Then each year buy and sell your old one on Audiogon and buy a new one from Audiogon and keep the economy going. You'll never be completely satisfied anyway so don't worry about it.