Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits?

Some mighty long discussions on this already here but I need a refresher!
Having decided to upgrage my phono amp to a Dynavector p75 mk3 I am now wondering about my cartridge.
At present I have a Clearaudio Emotion 4 table with a Clearaudio Artist v2 cartridge.
What are main difference between mm and mc that I could expect to actually hear?
And lomc and homc? What is all that about?
Sorry if this has been thrashed to death already but just trying to get a laymans understanding if possible.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
I have yet to hear a mm type sound as good as a LOMC cartridge - and this after 40+ years!
Post removed 

I have a ZU Denon DL103 mc cartridge and liked it very much however I wanted to try MM once again.  When I inadvertantly broke the cantelever on the Denon, I went back to a MM cartridge.  I asked some questions here regarding the type of music I played which is 90% Rock.  One of the more senior audiophiles sent me a PM regarding my dilemma.  He suggested I try a Gold Note Vasari MM cartridge as he had one mounted on his VPI and he said his records never sounded better.

I took a leap of faith and contacted the Canadian Distributor as they aren't very well known or represented in the US.  I purchased the cartridge direct from them for 430.00 shipped to my door.  The cartridge was very easy to mount and set up and I have been spinning vinyl almost every day since and that was 3 months ago.  I found the cartridge reproduced my records just the way I like and I am extremely satisfied.  Another member here stated the cartridge specs aren't that great and that it used old school tech.  All I know my records never sounded better and I am playing records again, and almost every day.  Needless to say I won't be going back to a MC cartridge but will get the ZU fixed and keep for a spare only.

Paper specs are not always the be all and end all of system synergy as your experience shows.
Part of the reason I am trying to glean as much info as possible before diving headfirst down the rabbit hole again
Simple. For rock you don't need MC cartridge. What you need is a great turntable. Upgrade it if you can. You also need great amps. You might want to upgrade your cartridge to another MM later. Well, you could try $1600 Lyra Delos if you must but why ?