All in one HT speaker and subwoofer

Yes, I know you are raising your eyebrows, and thinking about sacrilege, ignorance, ... but I have just sold the last of 5 speakers and have decided to go for a single all-in-one speaker (center and surrounds), and a subwoofer.

Convenience and lack of visual clutter in my 15' x 10' x 10' dedicated home theateresque space trumped sound for me, for now, anyway. I'm also considering mounting the LCD and speaker on the wall. I really like things simple and clean. This will be 100% movies once a week or so. We don't watch any TV.

So, ***to the questions***. I am thinking of a Miller & Kreisel (now MK Sound) MP 4512 which I can get even though it has been discontinued, or maybe a Definitive Tech Mythos SSA 42 or 50.

Question 1 - any other all in one you would recommend up to $1K?

Question 2 - which sub (see below)?

For a sub, I am not sure? Maybe the Outlaw LFM-1 Compact? Hsu VTF-2?
Here are the parameters:

Price $600 max (new or used)
Size unobtrusive, but quality more important
Color black or dark wood

Thanks and please don't judge me too harshly.
After you have your system set up it would be nice if you took a number of photos and list it in the "virtual systems" under home theater. I know there a many folks that appreciate a nice simple system. I'd be happy to own it. I only have a '01 Denon stereo receiver, '05 Denon DVD player and a '99 AR15 Hi-Res series monitors. Congratulation.

Polks 'SDA' technology is from their high-end speakers from the mid '80's and it is highly acclaimed. It required an extra cable connecting the L&R speakers, so of course it is easy to do in an all-in-one soundbar.

What is your source and TV monitor?
TV is Toshiba Regza 42", Receiver: Integra DTR 4.5
* jvc_xv_n650b_dvd
* TVISTO (for ripped DVDs for younger set, so no DVD manipulation)
* "antique" Zenith VCR
* JVC double cassette deck (for backwards compatibility and nostalgia, even though most music listening happens on music only system upstairs)

when more of my taste in movies is on Blu Ray, I will get an Oppo or something similar
i have also toyed with the idea of a media pc running XBMC or Boxee, anything open source and user configurable
currently we hook up the laptop via HDMI to the TV for Netflix or just use the DVDs

Every video source is connected directly to the TV via RCA, component, or HDMI. I have a digital optical cable for the audio from the DVD (which is the only multi-channel source) to the receiver.