Allison One speakers

Does anyone out there have any background on the Allison One speakers? I recently purchased a set and upon trying to research, the Blue Book price guide states they were made in 2001, but these seem a bit older to me. The ones I have match in appearance to the Allison:One shown on the Classic Speakers website and utilize the same configuration of 2-10" woofers, 2-midrange and 2-tweeters mounted in a walnut finished cabinet that is triangular (if viewed from above) shaped. Very heavy. Were these perhaps an earlier version of a speaker system that was reissued in 2001 or could these be of that vintage and just "feel" older to me? Let me know what you think or know. I would like to get some background on these for myself if I decide to keep or for the next owner if I decide to sell. Thank you in advance for your help.
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The party's always better in the garage dude. Either Vernneal has never heard a correctly functioning pair of Allison:Ones, or he has no sense of history. Might as well use that Klipschorn for a doghouse while you're at it...
I agree with Zaikesman. I owned Allison Ones 1976-1991 and studpidly, idiotically literally threw them away when I bought Wilson Watt Puppies, at the same time I threw away my LPs. Double Dumb. I didn't throw away my Allison Three's however and they still work perfectly, although the grilles are gone. I had the drivers re-foamed. In 2008 I bought Allison Fours (2001 models)and they are superb. The Allisons may not be modern, but they work better against walls trhan most other speakers. Enjoy the Ones, they are superb speakers!
Friend of mine has a pair of the original Ones, now in need of woofer replacement. Served as his main speakers for a long time till he bought my Thiel CS3s, very good speakers for enjoying music. Definitely place them on a long wall if you can, that is their intended placement. Glad to hear Bill at Millersound can fix this speaker, I'll get my friend in touch with him.
They sure won't end up in my garage - will go to the effort (and expense) of new surrounds and see (hear) how I like them compared to my pair of Alon V. I have had other vintage speakers that appealed to me in the past that, while I would not necessarily say they sounded better than very good modern speakers, I would not call them deficient either - just different. I had a pair of Allison: Nine that I liked very much but could not get used to the ultra modern looks and they had broken grill covers that I could not come up with a good solution the repair and the cosmetics make some difference to me. If I end up liking the Alon V better I will sell and move on, but due to weight and size will have to get a local buyer as I will not want to ship (though the same would apply to the Alon pair - if they get put in the "for sale" pile, they also are way too big and heavy for me to want to ship) Again, I appreciate everyone's comments on the subject - even the ones imply that I have made a mistake in purchasing them - we've probably all done this before! Thanks again.