Am I nuts or what? Apple TV

By sheer luck, I have been given the opportunity to acquire an unbelievable system on a barter deal. I am getting Martin Logan Summit speakers, Jeff Rowland Model 312 amp, BAT Rex preamp, Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner, and an assortment of Nordost Valhalla interconnects and power cords. Since I am totally new to the audiophile scene, I'm not sure I understand just how good this system may be. I assume that all the components would be termed "Class A" under a Stereophile type rating.

I need to buy a transport system. I have purchased an Apple TV and am considering the Eastern Electric Tube DAC. Am I just stupid to try and use those components with the above described system?

Thanks for your input.
As long as you are happy with iTunes and the 16/44 is really the only "limitation", (though not for me), Apple TV is an excellent device to connect to your stereo. However, remember you also need to connect either an HD TV so you can view what songs to play or use the free Remote app with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to control playback.

Use a good DAC, (my budget allowed for a Cambridge DacMagic which mates very well, especially as it has a digital pass thru unlike any other DAC I found, so you can still get the 5.1 sound decoded if you wished), and a half-decent cable and you're set.
@Geared4me I haven't got the system in my house yet, but I do anticipate spending many hours setting up. As it is, I've been several hours every evening reading everything I can find on the different components, cables, music, etc. I am really excited about this new hobby. Now that the kids are gone to college, this is just the thing for our empty nest.
Trebejo, you crack me up:

Quote: "go down to your local university and talk to anyone at the EE department about whether the various wires you obtained can do anything special (I know what they'll say, and I agree with them)."

That advice makes a lot of sense if what you want to hear is a real voice in a real space... at the university. However, I want to hear music in my own home, and different wires make the music sound better or worse. Why not advise the newbie to try the wires in his system and enjoy them? If he can try others and likes them more, who is some EE to tell him he doesn't enjoy them?