AMG V12 vs SME 20/12

Any thoughts or any one lucky enough to hear both?

Thanks in advance
Is there more than one version of the Bardo, or did you mean to ask about the
top Brinkmann turntable? I have heard the Bardo in two systems as well as the
Brinkmann Balance. I preferred the Balance.
Is there more than one version? well sort of yes, there are options like the glass/ stainless mat with clamp and a better power supply.

I should hope the Balance sounds better!
Well, some people prefer direct drive to belt drive. It depends on the implementation. So, I'm not certain everyone will prefer the sound of the Balance to the Bardo. I have read that the tubed power supply is an improvement, though.
There is a logical relationship since AMG does much of the custom machining of parts used in Brinkmann tables.