Amp for Harbeth 7ES3

Looking for an amp for my Harbeth 7es3's in the $2000-$3000 range new or used. My room is 12'x15'. I am using a Sony xa5400 cd player. My preamp is a DeHavilland Ultraverve 2. Very difficult to audition amps since I live in Maine and there are no Hi-end dealers even close. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!!!
Thanks for all the suggestions. I would love to go with the DeHavilland amp especially for synergy with my Ultraverve pre but it's a little out of my price range. Also, I have found that the service at Dehavilland is first rate. Thanks again, I will do some research regarding some of the suggestions you have provided.
the mc275 would probably be a great choice and is a great amp. I hardly think you will find much of an argument in that regard price for performance.
Hi Johnc5, I looked up the DeHavilland stereo 845 in the GON bluebook and the used price is in your price range.
Good Luck, Tish
These speakers are not fuzzy, so anything sounds great with them.
LFD Zero LE, Luxman, Accuphase int amps sounds great with these speakers.'
After much consideration and research I am thinking about going with an integrated. My current top choices to compliment my Harbeth's are the Audio Research VSI60 and the Luxman L505u. Any other suggestions or thoughts on these integrateds would be greatly appreciated. I have around $4000 to spend new or used. Thanks