Amp for JM Lab Mezzo Utoptia's

I've recently moved my (2) Threshold T-200 monoblocks to the HT. Temporarily, I'm using a Bryston 4b to replace the T-200's. Anybody have any suggestions for amps to replace the T200's. I'll be selling the 4b. I'm using a Threshold T-2 preamp and a Meridian 508-24 CD player in a room 25x20 with a 16 foot cathedral ceiling. Speakers are JM Lab Mezzo Utopias. Music is 90% classical and female vocalists and about 10% pop&rock. Thanks.
i agree jadis sound awsome. i have had many of their products. they are tube eaters, as they run the bias very high. their is also a question of reliability.
Do you have a YBA dealer near you? These pieces are combined often in France. I heard the Mezzo Utopias sounding very good here in Phoenix on Audio Refinement,
YBA's entry level electronics.
You might try Pass X series also...

Thanks for all your responses.

Danielk141: I have a YBA dealer a 50 miles away, but they don't sell JM Lab. I heard JM Lab Utopias with Audio Refinement at the CES show in NY last May. The environment has highly controlled with room treatments and power conditioners, but it was impressivefor a one thousand dollar 5 channel amp(100 watts per channel) driving $30,000 speakers in an HT environment.
I also listen to classical & can second the Jadis and the YBA (Passion pre->Passion stereo, in my case) recommendations. There are certainly other combinations that escape me. I have heard, but not confirmed, that Mr Mahul (also) uses wide-bandwidth electronics to test/voice his products -- maybe an indication worth pursuing?