Amp for Shahinian Obelisks?

Hi guys

Anyone recommend amps for my new Obelisks? I heard the Plinius 9200 was ok but wondered if tubes would do it? Like these:

Or high power Mcintosh?
Jungson JA-50 monos?

My music is rock and electronic biased with lots of live music etc.

Really appreciate your thoughts!


Richard H
Mr. Shahinian himself insists on staying away from tubes and having an SS amp with reasonable power. Check with him and he'll be happy to make an in-person recommendation.
the shahinians are big ss all the way, but aren't what you would call an ideal speaker for rock and roll or electronica....
I have Obelisks and use a Plinius SA100 with them.The Shahinian speakers in general need amps with high current so solid state is often recommended. Peter Thomson of Plinius uses Shahinian ( I think Diapasons) and I know Richard Shahinian thinks that Plinius works well with his speakers.I have also run my speakers with An ARC VT100 power- really sweet midrange but a bit lacking in the bottom end compared with the SA100. SO IMO I think the Plinius would work well.
Off the topic of amps, I'd never heard of these speakers until now.
What is the most endearing quality of the Obelisk's?