Amp or speaker first, upgrade

Hello audiogoners, it's the Brahman on a beer budget with an upgrade dilemma.
I currently have a Krell s300i, a pair of Definitive technology bp8080 as my system.
Now, I want to upgrade both but, one at a time and was wondering which of the two 
components should I dispense with first?
Here are the amps I've been looking to audition, Icon Audio st40 mkiiim, Luxman 505ux, McIntosh Ma5200
and Prima Luna Dialogue Premium. As you can see there is a solid state in the bunch.
As for speakers, I'm interested in the Vandersteens 3a signature, the Sonus Faber Venere S, and the 
Wharfdale Jade 7. I know this topic has been brought before so I'll welcome some new and refreshing
ideas and comments! Thanks a bunch Audiogoners!

also be aware that there were a few changes in the 10T but no model designation change. there were also two versions of the 8 before it became the 8b
Wow fellow audiogoners, I'm overwhelmed by all the responses!
This indeed is interesting and refreshing just what I hope to hear!
Yes, I'm seriously considering the Vandy 3a sigs but also looking at the Revel f208. Glad to hear most of you suggest I hang on to the Krell as I do really like this amp a lot. I'll be looking at the Aerials mentioned by an audiogoner, and the Wharfdale Jade 7?
Well since everyone is leaning on speaker upgrade then speaker upgrade it shall be. Thanks again guys, cheers and happy music listening!

You have gotten some good responses so far and I agree that the speakers will make the greatest difference in sound.  One other thing to consider:  single-driver speakers.  I have had numerous multiple driver speakers including some mentioned above, up to $42K retail.  I recently bought some single drivers and had a friend make some simple laminated mdf cabinets, total cost $1600.  I can report that I will never go back to multiple driver speakers; well, I highly doubt it anyway.  Just something to think about.