Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's

I've been thinking about upgrading my electronics (amp/preamp) from my current Ayre KX-5eMP and VX-5e. Been thinking of the Ayre KXR/MXR combination, but my dealer says there are better combinations for the money. I recently heard Wilson MAXX 3's w/Boulder electronics (2000 series I think) and was very impressed, so that's an option. Any others?
I have had the pleasure of hearing an ARC SP-17 and Bryston 3B power amp to excellent results. Would love to see, I mean, hear an ARC reference pre-amp and a Bryston 3B SST/4B SST...
Bryston is not an amp which can give a deep and wide stage. Depth and wide are the most essential parts which need to be there in the world of highend. Wenn they are not there you play at a 2-dimensional level. I call 2-dimensional audio standard audio. Because a cheap amp of 100 dollar also can produce a 2-dimensional image. Wenn you have speakers like Wilson you would be a fool to choose for a 2-dimensional amp. Compare a Pass amp with a Bryston amp and you will hear how big the difference is in stage. It is that simple!
I agree, and I'm a Bryston user. It does sound a bit bare bones. I do like the detail it presents though.
I had many discussions with Pass Labs as well about there limitations. Pass Labs is very good in giving a deep and wide stage. But it still lacks the sharp and small individual focus of instruments and voices like they sound in real. But also how big they need ot be projected. So you need the right cables to creatre this. I sold my Nautilus 800S to a person with a Bryston 7B. This was a very good combo. An 800S cannot give a deep stage so in these situations an amp which can give a deep stage make no sence. You Always need to know what the properties are of the speaker you own. Only then you can look for the amps and sources which can give all these properties/ talents.
I see. Very well then. Just to let you know, my current speakers are JBL S4700s. They are rated at 6 Ohms, and are rather sensitive at 94db. Now I can use a smaller amp, but I have found they do better with high power due to the control of the 15 inch woofers. They are rated at 300 Wpc, which is what I am pushing them with with the Bryston amp. Actually since they're 6 Ohm, more like 400 Wpc. Even so, they sound a bit restrained believe it or not. Ideally, I would like to double the power to really wake these up. But power, especially high end power, costs a good amount of money. So, another 350-400 Wpc amp into 8 Ohms would be ok, I suppose. One that is more effortless than the Bryston. So let me know if Pass Labs will do the trick. I am also looking at Accuphase and McIntosh. This has nothing to do with Wilson speakers, but I believe they like power as well!