Amp/preamp recommendations for Quad ESL 2905

Looking for a tube power/pre combo,preferably same brand, to drive my brand new ESLs. The source is a Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 DAC and Transport. The room size is 14 x 28 x 10 ft.Not all brands are available in this part of the world. The dealer has suggested a Conrad Johnson LPS70 power amp and CJ CT5 preamp. I have read great reviews about the CT5 but have no idea about the LPS70.Unfortunately it may not be possible to demo the unit. Would greatly appreciate any advice/comments.
Amfibius and Daniel
Many thanks for your comments and your time.I would love to audition the Emission Labs amp but that may not be possible as I live in India. Would really appreciate feedback based on experience of the Conrad Johnson CT 5 and LP70S. Perhaps I should be posting on the amp forum ?
Hi Sunnyboy, you cannot audition the Emission Labs amp because they don't make one :) Daniel is getting someone to make an amp for him based on valves supplied by Emission Labs. So, he hasn't heard them either.

I am not familiar with CJ gear, so I won't comment.

I think the same people on the amp forum read this forum, so there may not be much benefit in posting there.
Why don't you want to stay with MF? I run my ESL 989s with a MF NuVista M300 integrated. It sounds marvellous. I was stunned by how loud the Quads play with this amp - I have so far not managed to trigger the safety switch on the Quads - and i have played at levels beyond what i found reasonable...
The MF is stable enough to deal with any impedance problem, so no need to tube magic...