Amp Suggestions

Suggestions in the $4k to $5k used range. CAT SL-1 and Martin Logan Sequel II's. I am torn between tubes and ss. Thanks.
If you decide to go with solid state amplification, you might consider Aragon 8008 series amplifier. I own one and I am very pleased. I do not have Martin Logan speakers but several dealers have suggested to me that the Martin Logan/Aragon match works very well. Even though the Aragon is well under your price range of $4-5k used, you might consider it in the mix.
Levinson 335 or 336. Excellent control, spacious
soundstage, neutral, dynamic. Mates well with
my Magnepans.
With that setup I'd go tubes all through. The Jadis 30, as suggested above has not enough power. Within your price range the Antique Sound Lab Hurricane monos,($4400 new) which HP raved about in TAS, would be ideal, I find. Don't go for less.....