amp suggestions for Aerial 7b

just starting the process of upgrading from my krell s-300i integrated to separate amp. listen to rock 20%, alt-rock 40%, jazz 20% and classical 20%. need something with plenty of power as these 7b's aren't the easiest speakers to drive. 7b's are rated at 6ohms but i've been told the behave more like a 4ohm speaker. thinking *minimum* 250 watts into 8ohms with double down capability to really make the Aerials sing. i do tend to listen to music on the loud side of things. also....something that can drive almost any speaker in case i upgrade the 7b's next year(like i plan to).

will be using the amp exclusively with my ps audio perfect wave transport and perfect wave dac. gonna try the PWD as my pre-amp for now. will consider adding a pre-amp later if i don't like the pwd as a pre. will be buying used and budget for the amp is roughly 4-5k max. (prefer single box but will consider mono blocks also). i'd be more then happy to spend less though.

have focused on room acoustics for the last 2 months and think i have a good foundation now. acoustic panels, corner bass traps, carpet and heavy drapes really seemed to help with the forwardness my current system use to have. room is 15x23.

want something as neutral as possible with good detail. not looking for "warmth" but don't want harshness either. smooth highs and tight slamming bass are a must and again...detail.

so far the list is short. Pass X250.5, older Levinson 335 or 336 and maybe a Mcintosh of some type...402 maybe??. comments on these 3 amps with the 7b's are welcome as are any other suggestions. since i'm buying used, i won't be able to do any in home demo's. will have to make a decision based on in store listening.

thank you


If you're going to upgrade your speakers I'd do that first, then find the amp that works best for them. If you buy an amp that works well with your 7Bs there's a good chance the synergy will not be as optimal with the new speakers and you'll find yourself back in the amp market yet again.

Failing that, I'd add the GamuT D200, McCormack DNA 500, and Clayton amps as potential candidates given your preferences.

Best of luck.
Another option to consider is Plinius, excellent soundiong amps in my opinion. I had a pair of Aerial model 8's that my Plinius 9200 integrated drove with ease and sounded great. I think Aerial and Plinius amps is a nice combination, very netural sounding. There is a Plinius SB301 for sale on A'gon in your price range.. Good luck with your search.
Soix, i appreciate and agree with your comments. the speaker upgrade is just a long term plan and not written in stone. one of the reasons i'm buying used is for your stated reasoning. poor synergy would allow me to dump the amp at minimal loss to get something that works better.

furthermore...any speaker i get will sound alot like the aerial 7b's which i really like. the only thing lacking in the 7b's imo is low end grunt(which is why i currently have a velodyne dd12 sub). ultimate goal would be to upgrade to something that would allow me to get rid of the sub but still have the mid and highs of the 7b's. i'm kinda hoping more power might give me the added bass extension i'm looking for in the 7b's, making the speaker upgrade moot (just hoping...not counting on it)

Brian...good call and timing on the sb301. was just talking to my favorite dealer about it this morning (Ron @ Liquid Hi-Fi). it's a contender and one i need to take a closer look at. don't see them too often used but if i'm patiant....i'm sure one would pop up.

thanks again fella's
