Amplifier with Watt/Puppies 6s

Between Pass Labs X-600s or ML 33Hs, does anyone have an opinion as to which sounds better when paired with Watt/Puppies 6s? Have heard 33Hs controls bass better, is quicker, and is slightly more neutral.
Thank you for the input. I have been told the 33Hs have better base control, if not extension, than the Pass Lab equipment. Perhaps the 33Hs also have more grace and refinement. Base control and transparency are more important to me than a robust bottom end.
Marlec: Where did you hear this comparison? I have been trying to find a dealer that carries both Pass Labs and Levinson and there is only one that I could find and he leaned heavily to the Pass Labs equipment.
Marlec: Where did you hear this comparison? I have been trying to find a dealer that carries both Pass Labs and Levinson and there is only one that I could find and he leaned heavily to the Pass Labs equipment.
This was not a dealer demo. Rather, a loan of the PS monobblocks to a friend with an existing ML and W/P system. Apologies for the delay in reply.