Amps for Dynaudio ?

What would be a suitable amp for : 1. Dynaudio Confidence 3 2. Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE ?
I have a second system with Contour 3.0's - I hooked them up to an Aragon 8008BB and the match is pretty nice. Tara RSC Air/1 speaker cables. I had a Sonic Frontiers 80 wpc tube amp - but the Contours both demand power and produce rewards when they get it. Lively, good tonal balance, great immediacy, rhythm, and solid bottom-end. A $3K amp with $5.5K speakers seems about the right ratio to me.
I think, as mentioned above, that the Pass Labs X600 is an out standing amp for Dynaudio speakers. I have also listened to Krell, Sim, AR, and other amps with them. I ended up buying Classe' CAM-350s to drive my C5s because they seemed the best blend of high current authority and not excessively analytical detail. ( and also because I couldn't afford the Pass)
I have a 100 watt-per-channel Krell KAV-500 (5-channel) driving two pairs of speakers: (A) Dynaudio Confidence 3 (B) Sonus Faber Extremas. The room is not too big, (13' x 18', 12' ceiling) and I don't really listen to blaring music. I think it all sounds excellent. If the room was 2 or 3 times the size and I wanted it loud, I'd want monoblocks with at least double the power.