An all Parasound system - Good idea?

My brother- in- law visited last weekend and heard my 2 channel system for the first time.  Slightly ocd, he spent much time online and emailed me last night to say he was going to put his own system together and was planning to buy all of his components from Parasound, in part because he thinks a single brand will optimze performance and compatability, and because he is enamored by the John Curl connection. To that end, he plans to buy  a JC2 Preamp, A21 Amp and JC3+ phono amp.

I have told him focus on  speakers first, then source components. That notwithstanding, is the "All Parasound " a good idea to avoid the possibility of components not playing nice together or should he not focus on brand loyalty and shop for "best in class" components instead?

I currently own the Halo integrated and love it! I always wondered what Halo separates would sound like. I say go for it. If money was no object those would be the components in my system. The A21 will provide enough current to drive any speaker. Properly matching it would be my last concern. In my case I would be more worried about the space. The Halo integrated blends seamlessly with my TV stand. A Halo separate component system would need its rack with a lot of room to breath.

I’m glad you like the the saying goes, ’"one man’s poison is another man’s medicine." I have an all Jeff Rowland system and couldn’t be happier. Yes, a different price level, but the Jeff Rowland is significantly better and on a totally different level than Parasound.
BTW - FWIW I have a one brand system (sort of) - Marantz PM-11S3 integrated amp and SA-8004 SACD player.  Others who know far more than me praised this amp and its phono stage. Pairs beautifully with my Focal 836v speakers.  My TT is a Music Hall MMF-9.1.  Thought about the Marantz TT, but it  is actually a Clearaudio product rebranded (great TT - but the MMf-9.1 gets the job done quite nicely)..

Not to change the subject, but as I write this, I am listening to the SACD of Elton John's Tumbleweed Connection - amazing album! If you have not played it in a while or are not familiar with it, give it a spin - guaranteed to brighten your day. The magic of music is that I may keep aging but the best music manages to stay timeless.
Don't believe that if it costs more or has a more prestigious name it is necessarily better.  Different?  Certainly.  Better?  Matter of opinion.  I just invested in a Pass Labs X150.8 stereo amp, which cost significantly more than my A21 and my Bel Canto REF100M monos.  In addition to these three amps I own a pair of Jungson JA-50 80 watt class A monos.  Every one of these amps provide serious enjoyment, all at different price points and with differing technologies.  Which one is 'better'?  You tell me! I prefer the Pass in the bass region and at low level resolution and detail retrieval vs. the other amps.  But it is not as 'sexy' or 'regal' as the Jungsons.  I can and do live with all of them, and gladly. I don't believe in absolutes, nor do I believe if you spend more you necessarily find something you end up liking more.  In fact, I believe sometimes if you spend 'too much' (or 'more') you actually end up disappointed because your expectations are not met based on what you paid.