Analog integrated amp recommendation

I need help researching for a new integrated amplifier w/o digital circuitry.
$7500 retail limit at least 100watts,no phono stage/tone controls preferred.
Solid State not tubes
Something like Sim audio moon 700i
without a $14,000 price tag.
Prefer neutral presentation,definitely nothing warm.
Already tried Bryston & Arcam
Close yet felt could do better/



after trying the Bryston- Pass Labs would be the next step up.

Keep me posted as you listen to these different Integrated amps.

Happy Listening!

Take the price down to $4k, get step up transformer or have the distributor switch it to American voltage and you will be perfectly fine.
Mark Levinson No. 585, one just soldĀ used for ~$6K, or just get a new one and be done.
there is a 700i listed under your price now - no connection to seller - also Pass, Plinius