Another Dealer sets the Bar LOW

Just wanted to post my most recent experience with a dealer and new speakers. Went to get a pair of speakers and got talked into (my fault) what must have been the last new pair of a now discontinued speaker. Great deal (I thought) but got them home and their size and requirement for more power caused me concern. They are great speakers just a bit LARGE for some set-ups.

I went back to the dealer less than two weeks later (the earliest I could make the journey) and asked if I could trade them back in. I explained they were not working in my set-up.

Mind you I have purchased several things from this guy - I have been a good customer (again I thought). His idea of a deal was he would give me $700 less than what I paid for the floor model speakers against full retail for another set that would work better in my home.

The good news is in the end it all worked out and I am happy with the speakers and a new integrated I bought on Audiogon (more power). Thanks Audiogon and all the members for re-engineering the market and idustry to make it better. Retailers like this guy need to adapt and offer a higher level of service to survive.
I think after having been in this hobby for some 30+ years----I just know what to expect from a dealer. That translates to : expect the worst and maybe,be suprised, if that doesn't happen. With the internet sucking away a good part of their business these days, they have to have a good strong local base from which to operate. Good,to great service is a must. By now you know you should have discussed what-if's. Then, you need the terms of the 'what-if's" written on your reciept.(With this kind of dealer).Two weeks without a phone call is a long time. Sometimes,repeat buisness means different things to this type of dealer,(it seems).There are MANY online dealers,here, where one can expect this very same type of (dis)-service. Money is important to EVERYBODY,including you; and this dealer,or should I say all dealers. One shouldn't play this game without a program. These are just general comments, directed at mostly all new uninitiated members.
Unsound you are right I should have stuck with Audiogon. The fact is I paid $2400 plus tax for these speakers which I do love, they just overwhelm the room I have them in.

Didn't want to go into to much detail but I the actually deal was I traded in a pair of speakers with a Bluebook value of $1300 (no flaws a solid 9 on the scale but I did not have boxes) and gave him $1575 cash for the demo speakers. When I went back and he offered me the $1700 which was just $125 more than I paid in cash. I should have taken my speakers and my cash back but that was not put on the table.

There is and was no doubt he wanted to get ride of the demo speakers that have been discontinued for some time (they have a Bluebook value of $1300 also and routinely sell on Audiogon for between $1300 and $1500).

There is also no doubt that Audiogon and its members despite a few (very few) bad apples is a wonderful place to buy, sell and learn about audio. All of you make this site what it is. For me it really is a place to unwind escape and enjoy the hobby (music and hi fi equipment).
So you got "talked into" buying something that was not appropriate for you, got a "deal" on the price, used it for two weeks and then wanted to be made whole. And now, of course, you want to whine about it. My advice is to accept the responsibiiity of your actions and to stop blaming others. If you wanted to try out the speaker, then you should have made a deal for a in home test. Instead you bought the speakers. Question - how does the $700 "loss" compare to 1) a 15% restocking charge, or 2) how much you would have lost selling the speakers on Audiogon?

Also, how come when people come to Audiogon to whine, they never name the dealer and invite that person to tell their side of the story?
I'm not sure there's a customer service isuue here either. It was an adult choice/transaction with unspoken expectations from the buyer attatched. I don't expect others to fix my mistakes. It's called personal accountability.
The other thing is this, if you bought them with a credit card you can easily call your credit card company and dispute the charges. Presuming you don't abuse this benefit, cc companies will side with you 100% of the time. I have only needed it once and it was on a $5K laptop from VoodooPC. They refused to exchange my unit after I reported dead pixels.. No problem, I called my Visa bank and sent the laptop back the next day.

Something to keep in mind and one reason I always shop with CC when dealing with anyone short of the Stop & Shop...