Anti-cables alternatives

Are there any other manufacturer's of magnet wire based cables (speaker and interconnect) other than anti-cables? Some time ago, I purchased some Magwire cables (speaker and interconnect), but I don't think they are available anymore. There were several variations of the interconnects and speaker cables which potentially enabled better "system matching". Haven't tried the anti-cables yet, but was curious if there were any other options. Thanks for your time and assistance.
I spent quite some time looking for magnet wire and did not find a source that met my criteria. Since this wire is not normally marketed to audiophiles, the sellers are often not aware of some of the basic design features.

I want an "annealed" wire [dead soft] -
and high purity copper - doesn't have to be six nines, but some of these websites don't even address the metal content/alloys of their wire.

So - I have to assume that not all magnet wire is created equal - and I don't have the patience to try out too many experiments. I did make magnetwire interconnects with the radio wire shack [3-spools for 5 bucks] and it seems to work pretty good. But I do not want to blow money on 100+ feet of speaker wire if I'm not even sure of the wire content.
Subdued: I'm using wide tape along the length of the cable, keeping the conductors ~2" apart along the way. COnductors are, of course, on the sticky side of the tape.

Please note that this creates some capacitance and, being unshielded, can pick up EMI.

I used the standard paper backed masking tape.
This is an old thread. I am also interested in alternative to Anti Cables. Anybody has any idea if this wire is any good? One reviewer says he does use it for audio.

TEMCo 12 AWG Copper Magnet Wire - 1 lb 50 ft 200°C Magnetic Coil Winding
Using anti cable level 3 speaker cable/wire FANTASTIC!! For the money worth every penny! Will not change for a long time.No it's not a scam! They do work very well if you can't hear how good these are that's to bad for you.