Any advise to improve my system

My current stereo system consists of the following:

Sony DVP-9000ES
Plinius CD-LAD pre-amp
Plinius SA-250 MkIV power
PSB Stratus Silver-i Speakers
Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II RCA from DVD player to pre-amp
Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II XLR from pre-amp to power
MIT MH-750 shotgun speaker cable
Synergistic Research Reference AC Master coupler for CD player
Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler for Pre and power amp

My music preference are string instrument, vocal, jazz.

I always feel that I don't get enough kick from listening to my system. It is either not enough detail or bass extension is a little muffled.

Any advise on what is wrong with my system?
My experiences are the same as above. Your equipment should be enough to get you there. Speaker placement, isolation, shelving, tweeks... Search "winter lessons", those are my experiences that brought out the final 15%. And have fun! J.D.
Patrick, I'll take a shot. Here's what I'd do starting with the least expensive. Try a mit 2 power cord on your amp, the SR master on my classe makes the soundstage thick, slow and creates a mid bass hump that is distracting. Classe amps are high current, and I think Plinus is also, that's why lots of Classe and Spectral amps are demo'ed in stores with mit powercords. I use the SR masters on my digital front end and they are superior to the mit in that context. Next, I'm a big mit fan but based on my experience ic's and speaker cables should match to really get the benefit of the coherent sound you get from all mit. Go for 330 shotguns or better if you can swing it - used. I would live with that change for a few months to let everything settle and burn in. Next, If not completely satisfied (who ever is in this hobby), I'd look into a tube preamp. Good luck...
Change your speakers for stators. They are just perfect for the kind of music you prefer.
I also agree with the other posts; your speakers are definately your weakest link. The ironic thing about this, is how well you've managed to assemble a world class system otherwise.

I strongly feel that you have two other areas to address, which will improve your system also (but not nearly as much as the speaker change). The MIT cables are not an accurate cable (by design), they are meant to have their "own sound". If you have a system that needs their type colorations, or "equalizer with a wire", then these cables can assist your systems' performance very positively. Unfortuntely, I don't think you system needs the MIT's coloration change, to make it perform correctly.

(Note: the Nordost SPM modification, as recomended by one of the other posters, is also deigned to sound a certain way, presenting certain positive colorations. They can sound spectacular in a system that needs their type of colorations, but they are NOT neutral.

My suggeted wire choice would be Analysis Plus cables. They are the direct opposite in their sonic charactaristics of what the MIT are. They are very, very accurate, and have almost any colorations whatsoever.

My final recommendation is to have your cd player modified by someone like Stan Warren. The Sony does not use high end output devices, and also can benefit from some power supply tweaks.

(Note: Ever wondered what the major electrical differences is between the high end digital makers Theta, Levinson, Krell, from Japanese companies like Sony and Pioneer Elite. The "high end" companies always have much better output devices for their gain stages(i.e. dictrete, no I/C's), and more rigurous power supplies, with much better capacitors. If Sony and other Japanese cd player manufacturers recognized these difference, and then implemented the above changes, I'm not sure that ANY of the high end player companies could stay in business, charging the premium they do, for what could be a very small sonic difference.

Maybe one day Sony or another Japanese company will get a clue, and implement the above aformentioned modifications to their designs (the cost difference, in mass quantities for these kind of upgrades would be less than $40 per unit!)
Try a BMI power cord on your amp, then another one on the upstream stuff (You'll like them, I promise.) And they're really cheap. I had 2 master couplers, and was able to get BMI Eel Reference Customs PC's for less than what I sold the Master Couplers for.

Bass is MUCH better.