Any comparison between Audes/Gershman/Triangle?

I am in the market for speakers for my second system. I am replacing a couple of Aerius that were driven by a Classe CAP-100. My price range is $ 1500 or less used. My short list right now is Audes Blues, Triangle Celius and Gershman Cameleon. Anyone has compared them? Any other possibility in that price range? I really appreciate your opinions. Pablo.
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I auditioned the Triangle Celius with CJ tubes a few months back. Thought it was clear transparent and imaged well but absolutely horrible when you turned it up. The sound basically disintergrated with no bass.

I would say the Blues has the transparency and immediacy of the Celius BUT can rock a little better and can be turned up without breaking up. Bass is alot better too.

I bought the BLues.
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Triangles are all about speed,detail,and refinement...for box speakers...they are very transparent and image very well...however...their low end lacks impact...and sounds a bit hollow...very similiar to hi end Monitor Audio...if you are moving away from the "planar" sound which shares similiar characterics...I would suggest a "warmer" sounding speaker...such as Vandersteen 2ce Sigs...or Meadowlark Hotrod Kestrals...
Yes, you could give the Vienna Acoustics Mozart a look, very nice sound, very musical and easier to find then the Audes Blues on the used market. I know because I bought the Audes Blues new. Good hunting.