Any experience with ARC solid state amps?

Is there anyone out there who can tell me about the performance of Audio Research solid state amps. I'm most interested in the D-130, D-200, D-300 and 100.2. Thanks for the help.
Not sure why would would go with ARC for a SS amp since IMHO they are mainly a tube component manufacturer? Try the Nelson Pass stuff for a great SS amp, even the older Alpha or threshold.

I know a good dealer if you are interested in Pass.

For some reason, a lot of people (like Peter) think that just because ARC makes great tube amps, it can't make a good solid-state amp. That, of course, is absolutely untrue. The D-400MKII, the D-130 and the 100.2 are all great amps. I've owned ARC (tube and solid-state), Rowland, Krell, Classe, Pass and heard many Levinson amps and the ARC -- especially for the money -- can compete with any of them. Listen and decide for yourself.
9rw, it is not that I do not think that ARC cannot make a good SS amp, it has been my experience that while they are good, they have not measured up in my system and as we all know, YMMV. Good stuff but there are better IMHO SS manufacturers for the same money.

And like you advise, you have to try them in your system by listening.

This maybe a slight deviation from the topic at hand but has anyone compared arc ss amps to mcintosh ss amps of similar cost? I have heard the mc352 and mc2102 in the mcintosh domain but only a couple of moments with one of arc's tube pre-amps and vt100/vt200 amps, not enough for a realistic comparison.
