Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
Ok, I now have right at 500 hours on the preamp section and I will say that the built in preamp sounds exactly the same as Pure Music used as the volume control which is to say world class. I preferred Pure Music as the attenuator over the Allnic 3000 (the unit with the optional larger output transformers)and the Bat Rex (yes these were in my home in my system). I would say that you would have to shop carefully and spend about right around $7K to equal or beat it. Obviously the Allnic and the Bat cost more that $7k which is why I said you would have to shop carefully.

Neither of those units could compete with PM on transparency or dynamics and as I stated the AMR and PM are indistinguishable. The guys at AMR do their homework and it does take 500 hours before the linestage is run in. In all fairness, the MFA Copper Classic has routinely been compared to active preamps that cost $10K and up so that was not a fair comparison (one reviewer stated that you would need to spend $80K on an active t obeat the Classic but that was some years ago and things move on :). I will say that the linestage is good to the point that if one has not dropped serious money on a pre...I would fully run it in and then audition a preamp if you still think you are missing something. I agree with Jeffga., best dac I have ever heard...and like him I have heard and owned a BUNCH.

I would say the built in linestage is better than most active preamps I have listened to recently with the exception of the Concert Fidelity ($20k) and the ARC Ref 40 ($24K)... that's good company :) YMMV
Yingtonggao: That is weird, if it was an apple computer I would know the issue but in Windows I think it should perform the necessary sampling frequency change automatically with no third party software. I would say look in the audio setup to see if you somehow have it set to always send the datastream out at 96khz. Sorry if that is not much help.

One other thing you can try is to hit the AMR button on your remote control to put the unit back in factory default settings just in case something got changed.
I solved the problem by going to QuickTime player, and change the output to 16/44.1. Under Windows OS, iTunes is just a file manager for QuickTime, which actually plays the music. Now my DP-777 (USB) now recognizes 16/44.1 and decodes accordingly using its classic DAC; the sound is... better, but still not there. I was told iTunes convert 16 bit to 24 and back down to 16... don't really know where the myth is.

Other than the USB quibbles I also have problem with DP-777's bass, compared to my previous Dodson 218 DAC the DP-777's bass is both weak and veiled. I hope a full burn-in solves the problem (now 100+ hours) but from the reviews I read even after 500+ hours the bass is still not a strength of the DP-777.
I can honestly say that it is not really worth judging it before 500 hours, it changes that much. The bass is flabby and soft when new. I have broken 2 of them in and the units broke in identically. I have found the bass to be as good or better than any dac I have owned, it just sounds real. Some dacs do have a pistonic (artificial electronic sounding bass) but even when
I listen to Hardcastle Jazz series music the bass is represented perfectly. At less than 200 hours you have a good ways to go before you know what it can do. I remember my Metrum Octave with the Diverter HR was quite a bit better than the AMR until I go t about 300 to 350 hours on it.., then it was bye bye Metrum. Have fun.
Audiofun: thank you for your encouragement!

Other than burn-in, I notice the USB input sounds much worse than SPDIF. Before I bought the AMR, I was using Off-ramp 4 + Dodson 218, the PC/USB sounded extremely close to CD transport/SPDIF. But then the AMR arrived, transport/SPDIF sounds better now, CAS/USB sounds TERRIBLE! I break-in the USB input for a while already, and even tried the PC >> USB >> Off-ramp 4 >> SPDIF >> AMR, no matter what I do, if a PC is involved, the sound deteriorate significantly. AMR seems to hate my PC while my previous Dodson loved it, even a Benchmark DAC-1 USB sounds better directly from my PC.

Yeah, I am gonna buy a Mac mini sooner or later, but why is there such a big discrepancy between a PC and a transport? Does anybody experience this? Does USB input takes longer to burn-in? Can you eventually get USB to sound as good as SPDIF inputs?