Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
same here!
Yesterday I compared the Pre section against my Pass XP10 preamp. After two hours I was so happy to switch back to the AMR. This piece is a game changer in my System (Pass XA30.5, Dynaudio Special25).
I paid 3k Euros for it (ex demo)and I don't think that there is anything close to it in that price range.
So in my opinion it is not overpriced but a bargain.
I'm not denying the AMR is a Swiss Army Knife.Its features are wowonderful and the interconnects, powercords and extra bixes it makes unnecessay makes it a good value if you our these things to use as you obviously do.

For those of us that use it solely as a DAC, however, I think similar or even better results can be had cheaper. I won't name people, but I've spoken privately with a handful of former AMR owners who reported similar findings with less expensive competition. In fairness one of then hated the Metrum Hex but still slightly preferred a DAC in the sub $1500 range that even did DSD.

Look, I'm not suggesting the Octave is better, but if your needs are limited to a dac, you are still paying for the unused features so it has to be compared MSRP for MSRP.

As a compliment to AMR, I significantly preferred it to the LampizatOr I previously owned, which was beautiful and seductive, but so colored and romanticized as to play a large role in dictating what I listen to.

Oh and for the record we compared both DACs with the LampizatOr Transport and a Bolder Cable Co Modified Squeezebox Touch with Deluxe power supply and Music Rail upgrades .

Thinking further about it, the fact that your using def 4s makes a bit of sense in your preferences. I have a set of those nanotech drivers for my def 2s and as impressive as theyare, they are a good bit more neutral in presentation and I can.see that extra sweetness of the AMR making a nice synergy.

Beyond that the DACs presentations were more similar then different, don't mistake me for saying the AMR is a poor performer.
Partial retraction: I was just informed the AMR DAC I'd listened to was an older one and there is a new main board, according to distributor Dareen that sounds much better. I haven't heard this version so I don't want to taint waters/reputation.

My feedback stands with regards to the older version.