Any recommendation for TOP 5 cables AES/EBU ?

I am looking out for really outstanding balanced cables - for getting state-of-the-art pre/poweramp (solid state) and hi-level components connected. Do you have specific recommendations for my very neutral & natural sounding audio system (Avalon, Gryphon etc.)?

My NF-cables are 5-8 years old, so I want to bring them up to "present".
You don't really need 5 to choose from the JPS superconductor 3's and your search is complete and they are not overpriced like some cables out there. Hope this helps
My 1st choice: Duelund 2.0's.
My 2nd choice: Silent Source Music Reference.
My 3rd choice: Silent Source Signature.

I used to have the Stealth Indra's, which are truly great, but I personally like these others better and they're not outrageously expensive.
Go to Positive Feedback website & read one of the cable reviews written by Robert H. Levi (such as the Argentum Acoustics Mythos review in Issue 40).
There is a recommendation list with cables ranked within different price categories.
I find it quite useful for reference.
Harnellt praises the JPS Superconductor 3 interconnect. The Superconductor 3 speaker cable is also outstanding. Best I've ever heard, and I've listened to quite a few.