Any reliability horror stories out there?

Wondering if anyone has had reliability problems with any of their amplification components? Might be useful for me (and others) when it comes to future purchases.

I've recently purchased a Jadis Orchestra Reference, which sounds great, but after a month one of the transformers has developed a noticeable hum. Not a catastrophe, but still...more catastrophic stories would be interesting to hear about.

Cheers, Rob.
Thanks Mikej for the flammable Audio Research story. Perhaps if Hollywood makes a sequel to 'Backdraft', or some other fireman drama, this could be worked into the script - could be a great opportunity for product placement for ARC.

I've had less exciting problems with ARC products, but problems just the same - a resistor failed in a CD1 (simple fix); the on/off switch failed on an SP9MkIII(simple fix); and a valve socket played up recurrently on a D125 (more involved fix, took a while to be diagnosed = 8 new ceramic/gold pin sockets, rather than replacing the faulty bakelite one). Further back, a Luxman SS amp, which was expensive at the time, required factory modification to stop recurrent failures - it still works, 23 years on, albeit with a few extra hums and buzzes.
I don't know why this thread went off on the french. My audio Aero Capitole is wonderful.
Bezimienny, the one knock on Jadis has been its reliability issues. Still, in my experience, my JOR and DA30 both proved to be flawless. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new DA60 I am about to get keeps this trend going for me.

If you find the hum is not able to be fixed by you (make sure it is not loose), I would contact Pierre Gabriel. He is a super nice guy, and very knowledgeable regarding Jadis. There's no reason the JOR should not be reliable for you once the tranny issue is taken care of, it's a very simplistic design.
Hi Trejla. Good luck with the DA60. Actually, I doubt whether you'll need any luck. In Sydney here, the store owner of Audio Connection is also the distributor and makes sure that after sales service is good - one of the staff, whom I've known for years, has a Defy7 running SF Amatis and has had no problems; another current Jadis owner previously imported Audio Research, among other brands, for his store (no longer in this business - too successful elsewhere)- I can only assume that they are all satisfied with the reliability.
The DA60 was suggested to me as a better match for the 'current hungry' Wilsons, but there was no unit in the country to audition (BTW what speakers will you be using?). The voltage in Sydney is nominally 240, but varies from that up to 265! Jadis 220-240v units were consistently having trouble, so in recent years they make special units just for Australia - and not very many of them, so you have to place an order which takes 4 months to fulfill - the store owner does order extra, but these often don't arrive! Oh well..c'est la vie.
Cheers, Rob.
Hi Rob, glad you enjoyed it. ;-)
BTW, the amps in question were only turned on prior to listening (30-60 minutes). Sorry to hear about your other problems. Luckily they were all minor!