Any reliability horror stories out there?

Wondering if anyone has had reliability problems with any of their amplification components? Might be useful for me (and others) when it comes to future purchases.

I've recently purchased a Jadis Orchestra Reference, which sounds great, but after a month one of the transformers has developed a noticeable hum. Not a catastrophe, but still...more catastrophic stories would be interesting to hear about.

Cheers, Rob.
not audio related but the sony play station 2 has got to have the worst record out of anything ever made.

Audio Alchemy gear functioned sporadically. On a good day it all worked, transport, DTI Pro32, DAC, and sounded pretty good. On a bad day it took a lot of fiddling around to get everything to lock.
Sim Audio MOON I-5, what a lemon.

I had a REAL horror story when my I-5 took a static discharge from me touching the volume control. Volume went from 10 to 50 in less time than it takes to blow up expensive Avalon speakers. What a lemon this amp was. I was given NO help whatsoever from Sim Audio and they have been blacklisted from my audiophile list forever. If at least the thing would have sounded good - it didn't - they sure have the thick faceplates and high prices for what little actual refinement they provide...I finally replaced the thing at my cost, and got rid of it shortly after. Avoid if you can !
I echo Audiofeil's comments about Audiomeca. I had the DAC from hell and could never conceive of buying another one of their products.

Ken Golden