Any superb balanced dacs up to $2,500 used??

I have not posted in a long while, however am testing the waters on dac opinions. Am currently using a Vecteur L-4 cd player full range, that also happens to make a very good transport- preamp is modded Sonic Frontiers Line 3 (fully balanced). What are the some current favorite dacs out there under $2,500 used? (tube or non-tube)- caveat- must have balanced output, and preferably also a true balanced design.

I have owned Emm Labs gear; AA Capitole (both versions); Sim Audio Eclipse (still miss that one- superb for a one-box and IMO much better than the Capitoles); Spectral 3000/Audio Note 3.1x Balanced dac (I loved that combo); etc. But now, I need a more cost-effective solution- yet would like to border on a superb setup once again, hence the idea being a good deal on a used top-performer dac.

The Audiomeca Enkianthus X seems to be ~ $3k asking used, and I am sure could be had for around $2.5k; the Electro ECD-1 is cheaper (~ $1.2k used)but I'm not sure how good it is compared to the others. One consideration is a locally available Sonic Frontiers Processor 3 @ ~ $2.5k used, which I will be auditioning this weekend, along with a rather elusive Forsell Ref dac (but it's more $$). I would pick up an Audiomat Maestro in a second, but they are very elusive and probably not that cheap used. I like insane build quality; heavy duty power supplies, etc., so please no lightweight contenders! If this doesn't work out, I will probably end up going back to the best one-boxer I can find for ~ $3,500 used (most likely the Eclipse).
I am currently auditioning the Audiologix 24 MXL and an Empirical Audio modified ECD-1.

They are both excellent dacs and significantly better than my stock ECD-1 in my system.

The Audiologic is more 3-D in its images and has a more laid back presentation (although it has very nice PRAT and good dynamics). The HF is very good and there is lots of detail without it seeming forced. I also really like the way voices sound - very seductive and intoxicating.

The EA ECD-1 is more agressive and dynamic. The leading edge is more prominent and there is even more detail than the Audiologic. HF extension and clarity is the best I have heard. If you want something that presents a totally clear window? This is it!!

My ideal dac would be a combination of both and still be "afforable".

I will hopefully be hearing a fully loaded (Platinum version) Sony 999 Modwright unit in the near future as well.

I know you said dac, but if it is better...

"Totally clear window". George, that's the best description of
my Empirical Audio modded EMC 1-UP that I've ever read. You nailed
the HF extension and clarity issues as well. I'd also add wide soundstage
to your comments. I'm certain the qualities you've noted transfer
equally from EMC 1-UP CD player to ECD-1 DAC as modded by Steve
Audioengr/Steve did an excellent job modding my ECD-1.Transformed it from a very good dac to an excellent dac.Before the mod I described the ECD-1 as mellow sounding. Now, after the mod, its more dynamic, airy, fuller sounding.Hearing more details in all the recordings.zybar/George is a tuff critic having owned many dac's.To hear that he is enjoying my EA ECD-1, is very good news.I'm very happy with the results that I heard - and thats what counts !!! There is a blow-by-blow thread concerning the mods that Audioengr/Steve did to the ECD-1 on .
Thanks again to Chris for letting me "borrow" his EA ECD-1.

On Monday I will lose the Audiologic 24 MXL dac, so for the rest of the weekend I will be concentrating on this dac instead of Chris' EA ECD-1.
