Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?

I'm thinking about ditching my amps and cables and just buying an active speaker with a balanced input. I have a Krell 2250 and a pair of 140 watt Atma-sphere MA-1MKII. I desperately need speakers and cables, but not sure if I want to go through the bother (and expense) of finding the perfect matching set.

Should I go with a speaker & amp that are already matched or keep building my system like a bespoke smorgasbord?
" if a speaker builder went that route and allowed the home consumer to choose a line sub, a line mid and a line tweet - instead of putting it all in one box, it would provide for upgradeability in the future and unlimited configurations. "

Upgrade-ability and unlimited configurations can only promise changes, and not better sound quality.
I will probably get wonked on the head for saying this, but I'm going to make this argument anyway:

A Line Array of speakers is more efficient and makes better use of the amplifier than non-arrayed speaker. Sonic qualities aside the main job of an amp is to move drivers which push air.

Most class A amps convert their power into heat. The bigger the line array, the more the amp can breath and do its job which isn't heating your room.

At every power level you will hear more and appreciate your amp and music more as your line array get bigger.
zd542, I agree that change for the sake of change alone is not good, but wouldn't you rather have a system that you could grow into as your needs, taste, and budget change? I'm just proposing an alternate path to building a system.

Wouldn't it be nice to upgrade one part of the speaker without having to trash the whole speaker system and start over?
Chew on this: Those of you with colossal amplifiers running two speaker systems are the sonic equivalent of a Lamborghini on a mini golf course. You still look great at 3 MPH, but you have no idea hood good things get once you get on the autobahn.

Line Array = Autobahn.
Once upon a time two friends went to a concert, but only had one pair of tickets.

The friend who got in to hear the show sat center stage and listened to beautiful line array of speakers.

The friend who didn't get in also sat center stage, but behind a wall with two pin hole openings for perfect stereo imaging.

Who do you think enjoyed the show more?