Anybody used Nikko amps before?

Hi, I would like to know if anybody here ever used Nikko amps and pre amps? If so, how would you classified its quality and sound? Does is stand up to todays electronics? The reason for my question is because there aren't to much info out there. What I do know is Nikko is no longer made. Thanks for your concern and happy listening. :)
i bought a nikko alpha 440 a twenty years ago(more or less) and it is still working now!!!
it sounds like a krell or a mac intosh or an australian monitor aswell!!

it s a very good amp, strong, powerful, heavy duty amp..i allways load in under 4 ohms with four 8 ohms loudspeakers of 200watts r;m;s; each in a parallel wiring. two speakers by channel.

it has never been broken sincei bought it. i use it for disco applications of public adress.

but sincea few week? it begins to work less beter.

please be so kind to let me know how to get a technical map of it or a wiring map .

that way i ll be able to repair it by myself.

meanwhile if you know somewere i can get such maps? please let me know them..

Stay away from Nikko. Low end garbage, trying to compete with real pro audio equipment!!!!! Stick with QSC, CROWN, PEAVEY, CREST, things of that nature. More money, but more reliable. Less likely to break down under heavey use!!! Remember you pay for what you get. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!!!!! Just remember the store you buy your amp from is in business to make money. Also a name brand company has a reputation to keep up. If they start making garbage, then who will buy it and they will soon be out of business!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay away from Nikko. Low end garbage, trying to compete with real pro audio equipment!!!!! Stick with QSC, CROWN, PEAVEY, CREST, things of that nature. More money, but more reliable. Less likely to break down under heavey use!!! Remember you pay for what you get. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!!!!! Just remember the store you buy your amp from is in business to make money. Also a name brand company has a reputation to keep up. If they start making garbage, then who will buy it and they will soon be out of business!!!!!!!!!!! If they stop making it don't buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, Nikko is not pro audio and second of all, Nikko is not garbage. A manuafacturer that went out of business dosen't necessarily mean that the production of products is garbage. It can be numerous things but usually would be financial problems. After said that, Nikko amps were built to last and having to own a Nikko myself, it had show me. The components in the amplifier were all stock and original and still sounded as if it were new. This goes to show you that components were built with quality.
The 70's Nikko home audio stuff was pretty decent. Not outstanding, but decent. To expect the "absolute sound" from these pieces would be ludicrous, they were never marketed that way. For what I've seen on ebay (with a few exceptions) the Nikkos are a bargain when you can find them. Sound is so subjective anyway (if so-called audiophiles had any idea how the original signal gets mangled by even the best recording consoles, they would not be so condescending and snobbish). I owned an Alpha/Beta/Gamma stack in the late 70's and I got what I paid for. Very reliable product for the most part. If the price seems right, buy it. Some of the brands I have seen touted on the Internet from this era were highly unreliable. This goes for the "high-end" as well. It always pays to visit your local long-established Audio Store if you have one and ask the techs about what they think of the equipment's reliability. Fisher and Sanyo merged at one point for goodness sake, does that tell you anything? By the way I have over 28 years of audio recording, audio sales, and general hi-fi neurosis to my credit.