Anyone Bi Amping their Martin Logans

Just curious to know if anyone out there has bi amped Martin Logan's and interested in the results
ABSOLUTELY!! I have a pair of highly modified Monoliths. Bryston active crossover, Focal Audiom Bass drivers, Krell KMA 160 monoblocks for the bass and Levinson Ref 20 for the top. I'm considering tubes for the top--which I think may be an improvement. Bi-amping is definitely the way to go--but it must be active and bipass the internal crossover. This allows each amp to do it's job right. When the panel impedance dips and a drum hits--well that's just about impossible for almost any amp. Separate those to functions and life gets much better for the amps--so does your sound. By all means--if you can do it, this is truly a whole new level of performance for these speakers.