Anyone else in my shoes? Ears going.........

I just turned 63 and I think I'm going to have to settle for the gear I have with no more improvements. I don't think I can hear the differance any more.

I think I have a pretty good HT setup and a very nice analog rig (for what I can afford), but I think I've reached the point of diminishing returns as far as my aging ears go.

On the plus side, I really enjoy what I have, and my headphone amp and Sennheiser 650's really maximize what's left when I choose the headphoen option.
I have always had the tiniest ringing in the ears when things are extremely quiet
(the woods, the lake on a perfectly still winter morning) - even as a child - to
me this IS the sound of complete silence. It does not change the fact that I can
still hear better than most adults although my nine year old seems to be able to
hear what I do. When I say do you hear that (a quiet sound) - the wife usually
says What? and confirms she can't hear it even after trying. but the daughter
chimes in and says, "Really Mummy, can't you hear it too?"

I guess it is a matter of degree but I suspect we all have Tinnitus to a only point is that it does not affect hearing accuity.
There are clinics with audiologists who specialize in tinnitus treatment. My wife has suffered with tinnitus for over a year. She uses an ipod-like device that trains the brain to ignore that sound. She has found significant relief. has an interesting article here. For tinnitus, it mentions Wobenzyme therapy. Has anybody tried it?
Sadly, yes. I'm only 36. I've tried to wear earplugs whenever possible when playing drums, etc..., but my right ear isn't what it used to be. Thankfully it's not really a ringing problem. Sounds more like it hasn't "popped" after an altitude change. Some days are better than others.