Anyone Ever Heard of "Sonus Fidelity" Speakers????

Has anyone (with some history and credibilty on Audiogon) ever heard of "Sonus Fidelity" speakers?  

I see an ad for a pair of monitors by a seller, which has no history on Audiogon.  

I did a Google Search and found almost nothing - save for a YouTube video promoting an earlier "prototype" developed by some unknown individual.  

So... what's the scoop on the seller, the developer and the speakers?  

Seems very suspicious to me - certainly a very risky purchase.  
I would suggest Audiogon... offer some kind of warning for any seller who has no history on Audiogon, since many Audiogon novices might be tempted to purchase from such a seller, or simply might overlook the extra care that should be taken when purchasing from a seller with no record.
Hello my audiogon friends. I just bumped into this thread about the SF since I was the one who built them.

The Sonus Fidelity Andrea was born out of frustration when considering speakers I wanted to own but could not afford.

That's when I got to the drawing board and started working to build this speaker. two years later the first prototype was out which I called the SF1, which is a smaller speaker than the Andrea.

The SF1  is the one you might find on YouTube. I agree I need to do a better job and marketing the speakers and I'm learning to do that as well.

The latest model that I have is the Andrea, which I build to compete directly with speakers such as Joseph Audio Pulsar of which I fell in love when I heard them.

These ones that I build a really good and I know because I have heard the Pulsars. not only I build them for a lower price but included a bigger driver (7 inch versus 6 inch) in addition I use the latest Tweeter from Seas along with the best crossover technology I could find and good engineering.

I appreciate your feedback even though I know it wasn't directly sent me but it helps me recognize what I lack and hope to have your support in the future.

By the way I live in the Boise, Idaho area and I am a member of the local audio society.

Hope to hear from you with any other feedback which is greatly appreciated.

Stay cool 😎 
