Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ?

It is truely magic.
Haha, Dan same here with PAD! For an equalizer they could be great though! :)
hey, i thought i will put my subjective point to Odin. I have heard them in nordost presentation here in europe. The systema was Focal Utopias, Ayre electronics (not MX-R, KX-R combo but level below) and esoteric dac+transport.

The Nordost guy, wanted us see whats the difference between one valhalla wire in all odin loop, and all-odin.

Anyway, straigth to the point. While showing these extraordinary cables Nordost also introduced other stuff, like Thor, QX, Eco3 fluid.

The biggest step in sound quality, was not valhalla swithed to odin, or QX turned on, or Thor. We were all impressed, by this cheap, bottle of fluid called Eco3.It did amazing things. Everytime the test (CD without and with Eco treatment) was reapeated, attendents went crazy. Myself as well. The harsh from top octaves was removed, the mucis just flowed. Eco3 was like ten time more effective compared to switching valhalla to odin, but compare the price!

Note that demos at dealers place are not the same as tests performed at well-known homes systems, in well-envoriment, so no final conclusions here. But that night during Nordost presentation, Eco3 did the things to remember.
I use to have one of these fluids, when using CDs or Nordost cables! And it worked!
01-27-10: Argyro
Mike I don't mean it is annoying in any way, it just has a distinctive sound!! I think that in a blind test I would be able to spot valhallas, anytime!
I agree in terms of spectral balance and timbre. They also have, shall we say, unique imaging and soundstaging characteristics.