Anyone on Tungstram 6DJ8s?

I just replaced these in my Bel Canto SEP1 pre amp. I don't believe they are the stock tubes? What a difference with the change, but I was wondering if anyone knows the scoop on these babies? I never heard them mentioned on the 'gon.
Grant, I also have a trio of Tungram 12AU7/ECC82.

You are very keen in your observations, oh wise one. As far as mine go, not only are they very similar in tone to Mullard - they ARE Mullards - manufactured in the Blackburn factory and labeled Tungsram!
Grant, I also have a trio of Tungram 12AU7/ECC82... not only are they very similar in tone to Mullard - they ARE Mullards - manufactured in the Blackburn factory and labeled Tungsram!
Trelja (Threads | Answers)

Wow! Never heard of that. Good going, Joe. Mine are not manufactured by Mullard as far as I can tell. New production East European variety. But, they still have a Mullard-esque sound.
The Blackburn factory was located in the Black forest where little Elves actually made these magical tubes. Once the tube business slowed down to make way for the silicon industry, the elves got smart and started up the Keebler Co. where today they make excellent cookies,etc. It took years for some of the elves to get over the tubes they so magically made for Mullard and some are still under-going therapy to help build back up their "Elf" esteem.
a fellow A'GON set me a couple or pairs of tungsram & he said one was a phillips holland A FRAME & one was a EI. does that make any sence. also a EDICRON that he said was a tesla.